  傳統燈籠大師-吳敦厚老國寶民國77年榮膺國家薪傳獎-遵循 古法製作傳統燈籠至今80年,作品精美細緻,價格公道,被譽為「文化國寶」享譽中外作品更是遍佈全省各宮寺廟及世界各地,亦為政府首長選致贈友邦政要,如:田中角榮首相和伊莉莎白二世 女王及巴拉圭總統-羅德里格斯……等。 92歲老國寶-20年來長期應觀光局和政府機構,受聘推廣傳授技藝製作,受各界認同肯定, 特獲李登輝總統和陳水扁總統及馬英九總統題贈匾額嘉勉,是唯一工藝家代表,且政府也特別發行「愛國獎劵」郵票,首日封,明信片,郵戳,月曆,專輯,教科書,表彰貢獻。

8.榮獲 總統題頒「技藝超群」榮匾嘉勉。
9.榮獲 總統題頒「詣極登峰」榮匾嘉勉。
10.榮獲 三等華夏獎章。
  吳敦厚燈籠店與鹿港分局為鄰,附近有三級古蹟。年過八旬的民俗燈籠彩繪大師吳敦厚,是臺灣最出名的『國寶級』燈籠老師傅。他所製作的燈籠,向來是迎神賽會以及燈會的搶手貨,數作品榮獲政府機關訂購,贈送國際友邦之總統、政要、使節、企業家收藏。 兩道修長的白眉,是吳敦厚的正字標記,他的影像曾經多次成為月曆、郵票、明信片以及愛國獎券的主角。只要一提到傳統燈籠,很多人都直接和這位薪傳獎得主聯想在一起。本身就是一部『燈籠史』的吳敦厚,十三歲那年,憑著個人對傳統工藝的喜好和堅持,加上經年累月的浸淫,吳敦厚終於成為一代大師,馳名中外,近七十年來累積的功力,享有『燈籠畫家』美譽。歷屆總統如李登輝、陳水扁及馬英九總統,皆於任內專程選購。

台灣工藝之家專輯 Lugang Wu Duen-Hou Lantern Workshop Wu Duen-Hou No.310, Jhongshan Rd., Lugang Township, Changhua County TEL: 04-7776680 Open Hours: Open all year round, 09:00~12:00 and 14:00~22:00 Wu Duen-Hou's lantern shop is right next to the Lugang Police Station and in the neighborhood of third-class historic landmarks. Over 80 years old, Lantern painting master, Mr. Wu Duen-Hou, is a national treasure. His lanterns are the most popular items in temple fairs, lantern festivals, and amongst collectors. And his works have been selected by the central government as a gift item for international diplomacy. The two long strands of white eyebrows are the signature of Wu Duen-Hou. For several times, he posted for calendars, stamps, postcards, and lottery tickets. Whenever the subject of traditional lantern is mentioned, the name of this Heritage Award winner automatically comes up. He is a history of lantern development by its own right. At age 13, he chose the craft for life-long career, and, through many decades, he became a master famous worldwide. With over 70 years of experience, he is the master of lantern painting. Former, as well as the current, presidents, Mr. Li Deng-Hui, Chen Shui-Bian, and Ma Ying-Jiu, have all been his customers.